Thursday, October 30, 2008

9. A Good Book for Social Sciences Lovers

I've found a book entitled "The Scientific Study of Society" by Max Steuer (LSE) particularly interesting. Here's G.A. Akerlof's* comment:

"This great book by Max Steuer uniquely approaches a variety of important questions, including crime, housing, money... from the viewpoint of all the five major social sciences... it is a MUST READ for every practitioner and user of social science, as it is a much needed counterweight to the overspecialization of almost all social science."

*G.A. Akerlof: Goldman Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley, and winner of 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics.

Where to get the book? Here you're:

Hong Kong Central 300 STE (Available on Request, Adult Lending Library)
CityU Library Circulation Collection H61 .S85 2003
CUHK Libraries UL H61 .S85 2003
HKBU Library General 300 St466S 2003
HKU Libraries Main Library 300 S84
PolyU Library Circulation Coll H61 .S85 2003