1920年, 羅素(← 點擊)( Bertrand Russell (← 點擊))應北京大學和梁啟超的邀請,來到正處於急劇變化的中國訪問講學。回國後,於1922年寫了本《中國問題》( The Problem of China(← 點擊) ),恰恰的這一寫,在不知不覺中,他給自己加了一道先知的光環。羅素穿越時空的睿智目光,從以下例子,可見一斑:
“If the Chinese were to adopt the Western philosophy of life, they would, as soon as they had made themselves safe against foreign aggression, embark upon aggression on their own account. They would repeat the campaigns of the Han and Tang dynasties in Central Asia, and perhaps emulate Kublai by the invasion of Japan. They would exploit their material resources with a view to producing a few bloated plutocrats at home and millions dying of hunger abroad. Such are the results which the West achieves by the application of science. If China were led astray by the lure of brutal power, she might repel her enemies outwardly, but would have yielded to them inwardly. It is not unlikely that the great military nations of the modern world will bring about their own destruction by their inability to abstain from war, which will become, with every year that passes, more scientific and more devastating. If China joins in this madness, China will perish like the rest. But if Chinese reformers can have the moderation to stop when they have made China capable of self-defence, and to abstain from the further step of foreign conquest; if, when they have become safe at home, they can turn aside from the materialistic activities imposed by the Powers, and devote their freedom to science and art and the inauguration of a better economic system—then China will have played the part in the world for which she is fitted, and will have given to mankind as a whole new hope in the moment of greatest need. It is this hope that I wish to see inspiring Young China. This hope is realizable; and because it is realizable, China deserves a foremost place in the esteem of every lover of mankind.”
在羅素之前,其實德國社會學家韋伯(Max Weber)早已對西方的前途感到不安 –– 一個建立個人自由的制度竟然會創造條件來消滅它。這種悲情,令他死不瞑目。今天我們香港人還以為西方的月亮是更圓的,洋洋得意地把人家那套搬過來,照單全收,為自己及子孫掘了墳墓而喝彩、而叫囂。香港人,你中國人的德在那裏?自掘墳墓時埋葬了麼?