For ages, more than a hundred good books on the racks at home have been left unattended. Definitely, a slow reader with extraordinarily poor memory could not finish them all before he kicks the bucket. Feeling guilty of not being diligent enough, Agnosticynic flips over the books every now and then, with a view to easing his own mind; yet paradoxically, every scanning ends up with more acute sorrow, which is literally a unique consequence of bringing the book home too hastily. He indeed owes too much to the giant writers of these books, which are their ‘flesh and blood’, after all . Dao Lang’s (刀郎) song, ‘The Punishment for Being Impetuous (衝動的懲罰)’ best portrays Agnosticynic’s state of mind. Of course, we’re talking about the melody, not the lyrics.
家中書架上百多本好書已受冷落多時,可以肯定的是,一個記憶力奇弱的閱讀低手,到歸西那天,也不能把它們搞定。閒散帶來的內疚,催使Agnosticynic不時要把這些書籍翻一翻,讓自己好過一點;但吊詭的是,每次速讀帶來的是更劇烈的悲哀 ―― 這正是率爾把書帶回家的不二後果。無疑,他欠這些書的“巨人”著者實在太多了―― 畢竟這是人家的“骨肉。刀郎的“衝動的懲罰”一曲,最能描繪Agnosticynic的心情,當然所指的是該曲的旋律,並非歌詞。