Friday, November 14, 2008

25. To Albert Einstein 2

To Albert Einstein: (Continued)

… My own belief is that there should be an appeal to neutral Powers. I should like to see one or more of the neutral Powers appointing small commissions of their own Nationals to draw up a report as to the probable effects of war on Neutrals as well as belligerents. I should like to see such a Commission composed of, say, six members: a nuclear physicist, a bacteriologist, a geneticist, an authority on air-warfare, a man with experience of international relations derived from work in UNO, and a Chairman who should be not a specialist but a man of wide culture. I should like their report to be published and presented to all the Governments of the world who should be invited to express their opinions on it. I should hope that in this way the impossibility of modern war might come to be generally acknowledged. Neutral nations are more likely to consider such a scheme favourably if they know that there is important support for it in countries which are not neutral. I should be very glad to know your opinion on these various matters.

With warmest good wishes,
Yours very sincerely,
Bertrand Russell